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Skwerls are disease ridden flea bags with no redeeming characteristics.

Vist the url I've posted for tips that will help you rid yourself of these pests and save expensive exterminator fees.


Skwerls are disease ridden flea bags with no redeeming characteristics.

Vist the url I've posted for tips that will help you rid yourself of these pests and save expensive exterminator fees.


Okay, after reading the article about Dunlap, IA I have to agree with the DNR. I 've hunted, trapped, and fished all of my life, just like Teddy Roosevelt who created refuge for wildlife. I love all types of God's creatures, but there is a thing called wildlife management. Hunting seasons are created for a reason, to keep disease away from livestock and native animals. That is just one of many many reasons. People who don't understand what Roosevelt created have too much time on their hands to worry about the wrong reasons for wildlife management.

Christina Allen

Dunlap is an unfriendly place because we try to keep our squirrel population down? Have you ever been to Dunlap,Ia??? Swing by sometime, I'll bet you've never been to a friendlier place...the only thing UNfriendly is the damm squirrels that chase you down the sidwalk!!!


squirrels rule ive been looking them up all day
in my world you cant kill squirrels so if you dont like squirrels even just a little bit I HATE YOU:(

squirrells are evil



If you think that hunting goes against nature you are so very very wrong. Almost nothing is more natural that hunting and is part of everyones ecosystem. I dont eat food that i didnt kill my self or grow my self. is that going against nature? you need to open up your eyes a bit and and realize that every living organism hunts.

Dewayne Hare

People like you are what is wrong with this country!! Guns are unsafe??? I guess you also think that guns are ok as long as the damn criminals have them. What planet do you people come from? Why dont you all get together and leave this country and find your own!! If a kid starts hunting and stays hunting and fishing they will be a hell alot better off than those that sit on their ass and watch a tv and find out there are actually people in the world as ignorant and stupid as you are!!! You really need to wake up and realize that you are wrong and people that hunt and have guns in their home are some of the smartest and friendliest people in the world! They also dont put up with people like you!

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