Here are a couple of links to people who hate squirrels, or at the very least have a disregard and lack of respect for squirrels. I include these here because I don't support hunting for hunting's sake. These poor squirrels aren't doing people any harm. And those who go against nature are inviting a bad streak of karma, especially since these family seems to encourage gun use and they likely have guns in the household. Enough said.
Here are some squirrel haters in Dunlap, Iowa.
Harrison County Conservation will offer a youth squirrel hunt on Saturday, September 9th, 9 a.m.-noon at Schaben Park near Dunlap. This hunt is for boys and girls ages 12-15 that have successfully completed a hunter safety course... Certified hunting instructors will teach about squirrels and their habits, review gun safety, and individually instruct students during the squirrel hunt. Only guns provided by Harrison County Conservation and Iowa DNR will be used due to liability. Students that are successful in their hunt will be able to take home the cleaned squirrel.
I know I'll never visit Dunlap, Iowa. Sounds like an unfriendly place. And here's an article written by squirrel haters in Pittsburgh giving tips on what guns and bullets are best. I said it earlier, these families invite gun storage in the household and that's just not safe. Plus, they hate squirrels so they are bad people in my book.
Somebody has to stand up for the squirrels and I will!