Just an FYI on a catchy and funny title inked by WebProNews.com writer Jason Lee Miller. Here's a link to his article: First Google Earth, Now Google Sun?
BTW, Google Earth is a free Earth mapping service from Google. It's very cool and worth a look. Here's what Miller meant by Google Sun:
Sun Microsystems made a one-sentence announcement today that has already produced giant vibrations on Wall Street and will likely produce fault-line like tremors throughout the tech world. The announcement: they're teaming up with Google for something to be announced tomorrow-one sentence that no doubt shook building foundations in Redmond.
Here's the press release from Google about the Google-Sun news conference Tues 10/4 at 1:30pm EDT. It's available via webcast.
What do I think they are going to announce? Rumors ("Next Up: Google Office?") are that the Google-Sun partnership will take on Microsoft Office head on via Sun's recent release of StarOffice 8 last week. For my thoughts on how displacing Microsoft Office could help Google, please see Google's Future? GBrowser, GooglePC, Google NetPC and Google ISP.