It's been 17 days since my last Google Reader Recommendations. Last time I subscribed to 3 out of 10, not bad. This time around I'm subscribing to 7 out of 16, or 44%, which is really good. Note that I had 17 Google Reader feed recommendations, compared to 10 last time. I've subscribed to 457 feeds in total, so Google's finding 7 new relevant feeds for me is really good. What's the scoop this time:
New feeds I Subscribed to
世論 What Japan Thinks
Looks good. My wife is Japanese and blogs help me learn more about Japanese culture (and technology).
Yes, sign me up. I like librarian things.
Although it has 82 posts/day, this will fit nicely into my educational/resource category.
Marketing Profs Daily Fix
I'm not typically interested in marketing blogs, since they are mostly fluff. This one is more technical than fluff, so I dropped it into my Technology category on Google Reader.
Andy Budd::Blogography Articles
I was leaning to no thanks but saw an article about the Net Promoter Score. Not sure that I agree with NPS in all cases, but I want to see what else Andy Budd talks about.
Feeds I said No Thanks to
Google Desktop APIs