The Attention Economy is causing a general shift in the way people use the internet. There are just so many billions of pages out there and so many forms of communication that we are starved for the things that are relevant to us. Thus, we all have attention deficits.
I just began thinking a bit about what is relevancy in today's world, perhaps we could call it Relevancy2.0 (hey, why not?). As I see it, the main drivers of relevancy will be:
- Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent, automated recommendations will play a greater and greater role in our lives. Google recently began proactively making feed recommendations. They auto make Google News recommendations and can easily create a custom iGoogle portal page on any topic in just one click.
- Social Networking: What are friends recommend to us is automatically relevant to some extent, right? This is because even if it's a bit off-topic, the authenticity of the message makes it interesting.
There you have it. We'll have smart computers and authentic people.