I caught myself getting excited today once I realized I had a new set of Google Reader feed recommendations. (By the way, is it "feeds recommendations" or "feed recommendation"?) I guess I was spoiled last week when the first set came out. I was e xpecting more recommendations once I sorted through the list of 10 feeds. They made me wait a week.
But today I had a new set! Looks like this will be a weekly thing - on Thursdays perhaps. I'm generally quite happy about the recommendations because I always find something new. This time around I subscribed to 3 new feeds out of 10 recommendations. 30% isn't bad, especially since I already have 300 feeds and have subscribed to more than 400 at one point. As such, it's hard to find something new and interesting.
The Winners
Google AJAX Search API Blog
(1,362 subscribers, 0.5 posts per week)
Yes please. I'd like to learn more about how to tap into Google AJAX Search API.
Taking Names the Blog
(24 subscribers, 9.6 posts per week)
At first, I thought no. Then I spotted that perhaps 10% of
articles are about Orlando. Opening up the blog, I see it's an Orlando
Sentinel blog. That made me less likely to subscribe. Then I
discovered I'd be interested in perhaps 15% of articles (pretty good)
and see that there's good discussion going on. This one was a
surprise, so I've subscribed.
Joho the Blog
Web/tech stuff.
http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/index.rdf - 13.1 posts per week
(1,290 subscribers, 13.1 posts per week)
I'll subscribe to this on a trial basis. Seems to be about
20% unique (if that makes any sense at all), which is quite good
actually. Nice tidbits on China, Vint Cerf and OpenSocial.
What I said No Thanks to
OrlandoSentinel.com - Tourism - I already get the main newspaper feed, so any worthy news should make it there
Daytona Beach News-Journal Online - Not interested in Daytona Beach
USATODAY.com World - Top Stories (USA TODAY) - Don't need any more national news links
Forbes.com: Personal Tech News - Already get plenty of tech news. Did a quick peek and would read ~1% of articles. Not worth it.
Social Media - It's nice that this site has been around since 2004 and that it's a credible, respectable site, but I already get nearly all of the same stories from other feeds.
Jeff Clavier's Software Only - High level, generic, too many mentions of Web2.0 and iPhone. No thanks.
Village Voice - Thanks for the flattery, but I don't live in NYC. :)