Motivated by a recent post over at Asus Eee News, Mods and Hacks called "FoxNews - Asus Eee PC - a What Not to Buy this Christmas", I wanted to compare the Asus Eee PC vs. Toshiba Portégé R500-S5004. I was also motivated by Time magazine's Top 10 Gadgets of 2007 which included the Toshiba Portégé R500-S5004.
First of all, my opinion is biased. I'm a person who wants the Asus Eee PC because it's so small and pretty much runs just Firefox and some open-source applications (along with anti-virus, etc). So in a UMPC, I want it to be small and inexpensive. The Asus costs less than $400 compared to $3000 for the Toshiba Portégé R500-S5004.
The author cited within the first link completely misses the point about the Asus Eee PC (read my comments on the blog).
And how Time magazine fail to name the Asus Eee PC as a top 10 gadget? In other words, who really wants a $3000 laptop these days?