Slut-O-Meter is an interesting site that shows how "slutty" different search terms are. While I don't like the name, I do find the results interesting. Each search phrase is given a rating from 0% (not slutty) to 100% (slutty) based on the percent of search results that are filtered out by Google's SafeSearch for Kids. Here are some results, from least slutty to most slutty. You'll note that Yahoo is the "least slutty" while Paris Hilton is the "most slutty".
Yahoo (2%)
Jesse Jackson (6%)
Google (7%)
SquirrelNet (8%)
Disney (13%)
Tom Cruise (28%)
Michael Jackson (36%)
Jessica Alba (48%)
Britney Spears (53%)
Pamela Anderson (81%)
Paris Hilton (84%)
Thanks to SearchEngineWatch for the tip.